perjantai 26. elokuuta 2005

Brief in English

I know it's not my normal update time, but I was tagged for a meme by Miss Twiss, and thought I'd actually answer this time since the baby happens to be napping and I can concentrate on writing for a while. So, Miss Twiss, this one's for you. Notice I'm writing in English too. :)

Five things I miss from my childhood.

1. Swimming. My brother, I, and a couple of cousins-of-a-sort spent days and days on the beach, or actually in the water. I quit when I was around 12, grew breasts and started having grown up men whistling at me.

2. Summer trips with the family. We used to drive around Finland (and sometimes Sweden and Norway) with the car and caravan. I never liked the idea of a summer cottage, and loved how the view from the door was different every morning. When I was around 16, I started having summer jobs and couldn't go anymore. I still miss it.

3. Climbing trees. It just isn't the same when you are 30-ish and need a ladder to get to the lower branches.

4. Grandma's homemade bread. My grandmother died when I was 16, and I never learned to bake the kind of bread she made. Though I guess it would require the kind of a wood-heated old-fashioned stove she had, too.

5. Having the time to read, read, read... When I was 13 or so I read over 250 books a year. I'm lucky if I get to 25 nowadays.

I'm not going to tag anybody specifically, but if you feel like it, go ahead and steal the meme (and leave a comment so I can come spy on you).

6 kommenttia:

  1. Osuit naulan kantaan tuossa puihinkiipeämisasiassa, kaikenlisäksi siellä alkaa nykyään huimata ja pelottaa, niin ei käynyt koskaan pienenä. Lapsena uimme kaverien kanssa kesämökillä kuusikin tuntia päivässä. Nykyajan lapsuus taitaa olla ihan erilaista, ei niin huoletonta ja joutilasta.

  2. Ziina, leikkikenttien karusellit! Mä rakastin niitä lapsena, mutta kun teini-ikäisenä kävin jonkun kerran pyörimässä tuli tosi paha olo.

  3. Uimisesta ja puissakiipeilystä ja urheilukilpailuista ja katoilla hyppimisestä. Näistä lapsuuden kesien jutuista minäkin haaveilen. Monica

  4. Puissa ja kallioilla kiipeily. Meressä pulikointi, kuinka monta kuperkeikkaa pystyt tekemään peräkkäin? Kirja päivässä, kaksi parhaassa. Teini-ikäiseksi en mistään hinnasta tahtoisi uudelleen, mutta aika juuri ennen sitä oli kyllä mukavaa :-)

  5. Your response to "5 Things..." reminded me that I too loved swimming and stopped for similar reasons, I also loved climbing trees and family summer vacations in the car. Much of my family are in New England and we lived in Northern Ontario, Canada, so it was quite a journey to visit the family.
    Thanks for playing. It is nice to go back to childhood.

  6. I miss my Grandma too. This is the 15th year since her passing. She liked to knit, just like me now.
